Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you will take a few moments to browse. If you do not find the answers to your questions, call me. You won't get some paid attendant from a marketing call center. You will get me, and if I can't take your call right away, I will call you back promptly.
It has been an immense honor to effectively protect the rights of my clients for the last 30 years. I look forward to employing that same aggressive advocacy for you.
In the cyber era we live in, it is quite easy to produce a flashy website that at its core is devoid of content about the lawyer's abilities and approach. You won't see wrecked cars, ambulances or hundred dollar bills on this site. On my site, I have tried to give you useful, fact specific information.
I hope you will critically evaluate my training, the breadth of my practice, my experience and, most importantly, my results. I began my career at Vinson & Elkins, a 400+ lawyer law firm. For the last 21 years, I have chosen to practice as a solo practitioner so that I have absolute control over the quality of legal services delivered to clients who have put their faith in me. I treat my clients' needs like they are my own.
Thanks for visiting -- Bill